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Don't be fooled. It's an illusion.

What is the truth? Why is there so much suffering on this planet? The truth is anything that we believe in. Nobody is entirely right or entirely wrong. There are just different perspectives. Different points of views. Our beliefs are our choices. Which means our truths are our choices. We choose what we believe in. We choose to what frequency we tune to. Yet so much of us are unaware about this. So much of us are suffering, because we think that we have no choice. Let's say it's an Monday evening. Jimmy had a very good day. He finally finished his project and he's really proud of himself and he feels very happy and fulfilled. He want to rest for a little while so he turns on TV. On TV people are saying how many people died today, they say how many crimes happened. It made Jimmy feel scared and sad. And Jimmy believed that this is a shitty and dangerous world and there is no escape from suffering.  Some now might say that news are evil and that they project eve...
Recent posts

What productive things can I do in quarantine?

Most of us are in lockdown right now. We can complain, we can feel sorry for ourselves, we can feel a lot of fear. I mean, you turn on TV and all you can see it's what's going on right now presented in the most negative way it can be. The same thing with social media or maybe even with people that you talk to. We live with this fear, inside our houses. We feed on the news everyday, waiting for this whole thing to be over. Wasting all this time. What we often forget is that we actually have a choice. We have a choice about what we watch, about what we think, about what we feel. There is a lot of negativity right now all around us, but it's we that decide if we tune into this or not. There's so much things we can do right now. It is our free time! It is time to be with ourselves, to understand ourselves, to understand the world around us, to question what is actually going on. Turn this situation into something positive! We finally have the time to really think and t...

You don't know everything. How to change your beliefs?

Hi and welcome to my second post. As you can see posts are going to be everyday, I forgot to tell you this in my last post haha. So hope you'll get some value and you'll enjoy yourself. Let's get going! We go through life with certain beliefs. Most of them were created when we were young and unaware of it.  And of course beliefs make our thoughts, which make our actions and our whole reality.  For example I used to think that I'm not enough, that I'm not worthy, because my birth father doesn't want to have contact with me. And then as I was thinking that I'm not enough I was holding myself back in many situations and I couldn't express myself, tell what I'm really thinking and I just basically I was afraid of being myself. So I believed that I'm a shy person and that's just who I am. I thought that I am trapped in this "cage" forever and that I'm going to be miserable forever. I used to think that there's something wr...

Share your exprerience

Hi, welcome to my very first post here, I'm afraid it's going to suck, but that's okay haha, you have to start somewhere, right? So today we're gonna talk about an importance in sharing your experience with others. Do you sometimes wonder about your own potencial, talents, what do you really enjoy doing in this life? I was thinking about that like a million times, but I had a very limited thinking. I thought that if I can't sing, dance or do any of that kind of stuff, I wasn't born with any talent. Even tough I started writing stories when I was like 8, I never considered it as my talent. I didn't understand the importance and power of sharing my experience, my thoughts. So you see, I started this Instagram and I started sharing my writings, that were before just dusting on a shelf. And guess what? I began to post, people were reading what I wrote and started posting comments. When I saw my first comments, I was soooo fricking happy. Why? Because peop...